VALENTINE`S DAY Declaration of Love

May you find that special someone
On this Valentine’s Day
For I send my heart and love to you
From very far away
Let light shine upon you
On your beautiful face
And let a smile show
That no one can erase
You are my Special Valentine
And to the world it will be known
Regardless of your outcome
Today you will not be alone
Smile little or smile big
Just as long as you are mine
So don’t show me a frown
Because I am your Valentine
Happy Valentine’s Day
On this Valentine’s Day
For I send my heart and love to you
From very far away
Let light shine upon you
On your beautiful face
And let a smile show
That no one can erase
You are my Special Valentine
And to the world it will be known
Regardless of your outcome
Today you will not be alone
Smile little or smile big
Just as long as you are mine
So don’t show me a frown
Because I am your Valentine
Happy Valentine’s Day
Read More : Read more - Love Messages for Valentine's Day
Mesaje de Sf. Valentin - Valentine's Day: Mesaje de Sfantul ValentinSms-uri scurte de Sf. Valentin